In the summer of 2020, while chatting with colleagues about my upcoming 50th birthday, I figured out that on September 1st, I would be 50 days away from that day. I started to prepare for a 50-day countdown. Every day, I prepared and published a life lesson article. It was an exercise in writing, sharing, introspection, and perseverance. I enjoyed this challenge and when I celebrated my birthday I wondered what I was going to do now. Little brainstorm with me and myself, I thought about my daughter's birthday which is in January. I did some research for ideas and concluded that I would make an advent calendar. A small cabinet of 24 drawers that can be used for storage, or to be used from year to year for the adoption of a new tradition. And as long as making one for my daughter, I might as well make one for my mother and another for a friend. With the pandemic, we socialize less, which does not mean that we do not think of those we love. So I created these calendars with lov...
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